The Kaufmann Desert House

The Kaufmann Desert House

Few communities are as strongly associated with Mid Century Modern architecture as Palm Springs. One of the most famous houses in Palm Springs that features an MCM style is the Kaufmann Desert House. Let’s learn more about the history of the Kaufmann House and take a look around this world-famous MCM home. One of the…

Eichler Homes 101

Eichler Homes 101

If you’re a fan of modern, minimalist home design, there’s a good chance that you’ll fall in love with Eichler homes. A man ahead of his time, Joseph Eichler transformed what it meant to build modern, affordable housing for middle-class Americans. But what exactly is an Eichler home? Who was this man, and why are…

MCM Coffee Table Guide

MCM Coffee Tables

For your Mid Century Modern living room, you are going to need the perfect centerpiece: an MCM coffee table. There are numerous options out there, ranging from detailed replicas of famous Mid Century Modern masterpieces to original designs by companies that specialize in MCM-inspired furnishings. In this guide, we are going to share some of…

Breeze Blocks

Breeze Blocks 101

While you are learning about Mid-Century Modern architecture, you probably have noticed that quite a few homes in warmer locations feature walls of decorative concrete blocks. In particular, many mid century California buildings are distinguished by this element, known as “breeze blocks.” In this guide, we will tell you all about breeze blocks—what they are,…


Wrensilva | A Modern Take on Vintage Record Player Consoles

Wrensilva offers some of the highest quality record player consoles in the industry. Offering vintage style with modern features, their consoles blend into your home, allowing you to enjoy a next-level listening experience right in your living room. Featured in Sound&Vision, Es             quire and other high-profile publications, Wrensilva is, rightfully, making a name for itself…